
About me

In a word? I'd say "technolohippyreneur". Expanded, that would be musician, writer, technologist, and startup entrepreneur, although only two of those I've done professionally.


  • 2012, Spring - Graduate Norfolk Academy as Valedictorian, and snag the annual speech award as well. You can read my valedictory address here, and my other speech here.
  • 2012, Fall - Attend the University of Texas at Austin for three semesters with an Engineering Honors scholarship and dual major in Computer Science and Mathematics, completing about 70% of my credits to graduation with both degrees.
  • 2013, Fall - Vagabond. Drop out and begin a year of counter-culture lifestyle: backpacking, couchsurfing, and volunteering on farms and homesteads across 14 different countries.
  • 2014, Fall - Sabbatical. Spend the winter in the Outer Banks with my brother and begin teaching myself music, writing, and full stack web development.
  • 2015, Summer - Technologist and entrepreneur. Co-found BeatGig as CTO, raise a seed stage investment, and build a music marketplace that ends up featuring world-class performing artists (and partnering with the world's biggest talent agencies). On the side I'm writing folk/psychedelic rock for good fun.
  • 2019, Summer - Sabbatical. Exit BeatGig and begin a few months of meditation, reading, philosophizing, and surf travel with my brother.
  • 2020, Winter - Solo founder and app developer. Build and release Quantizy, a time-tracker for iOS, to serve as the cornerstone of my self-tracking system for health and productivity. More on that story here.
  • 2021, Spring - Begin working as a software engineer for Grapevine AI, an artificial intelligence startup headquartered in NYC.
  • 2021, Winter - Join Amazon as a software engineer at their NYC headquarters.

