
Welcome to my digital bookshelf

Here you'll find every book I've read, more or less, along with a rating of 1-10 how strongly I recommend each book. Some books might be missing from this list, since I only started it a few years back and had to rely on memory for past books I read. For the same reason, some books might be missing dates or ratings or other info. If you want, try sorting by: rating, latest, or alphabetical. Or try looking at these categories: any, biography, business, fiction, foreign, literature, non-fiction, and theory.

Raison d'être

Do you wonder why this page exists? A great treasure in my reading life has been thumbing through other digital bookshelves such as sivers/books, gatesnotes, as well as a few others, but primarily those. And ever since I was introduced to the concept I knew I'd someday want to build one myself. So consider this a way to pay it forward.

1 Result - Foreign - sorted by rating

Tristesse de la terre: Une histoire de Buffalo Bill Cody

Tristesse de la terre: Une histoire de Buffalo Bill Cody

Éric Vuillard
2/10 - Jul 2021
See on Amazon See on Wikipedia


"Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen" - Samuel Johnson

"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I've eaten; even so, they have made me" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Tat Tvam Asi" - Chandogya Upanishad